Intelinair’s Doug Hoberty will help kick off the Indiana Farm Equipment & Technology Expo at 10 a.m. EST on Tuesday, December 13, at the Grand Park in Westfield, Indiana, with information about Intelinair’s AGMRI platform. Read more about what to expect and listen to the interview with C.J. Miller here.

About IntelinAir, Inc.
Intelinair elevates agronomic management decisions by providing insights all season long to farmers and ag retailers through its easy to use interactive platform AGMRI. High resolution aerial imagery from fixed wing airplane, satellite, or drones provides whole field views increasing efficiency by prioritizing fields and offering assurance that fields are monitored and reviewed for timely decision making and identifying sustainability opportunities. Intelinair analyzes millions of acres in the U.S. and several other countries from its headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. Take action through informed management decisions at
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